In this Section you will find various articles that I have researched about the treatments and ways to get a proper diagnosis of Complex fistulizing Crohn's disease, I am a member of several Facebook support groups for us patients with fistulizing Crohn's disease and the lack of adequate treatments and malfeasance of medical treatment is so vast.  Patients are left with large open wounds and no information on how to care for them or their new hardware, setons, pezzers, penrose.  We end up being lost, scared and confused.  It also appears to be huge thing that pain is widely under treated.  I told my doctor to put just scratch near her bh and then put gauze with 91 percent alcohol on it for 10 minutes.  she said that would hurt. Yes that would hurt.  but it isn't nearly the pain that we suffer.  

If you have found any treatments that have worked for you,  or any articles that show a promise please send them to me I am slower to respond we are not actively and aggressively treating my stuff so my good days are becoming few and far in-between so I need to haul ass and get this page done.